I rezzed a prim on the floor and dragged the script inside it.I right-clicked on the Maitreya AutoHide BodyFaces V2 0.3 script and made it no transfer (according to the instructions notecard).Nobody showed me how to do it and I was able to just follow the instructions on my own and create an invisible prim to wear with one of my favorite outfits pictured below. The instructions are short, concise and very easy to follow. Once you open the kit, inside the folder you will find the following items: Anyone can pick it up for FREE, not just creators, and use it to create scripts for their clothing and outfits. The Autohiding kit is available at the Maitreya Mainstore, right above the Lara Mesh Body vendor and the Developer Kit. You can put the script inside any prim and place it in the item folder so when wearing the outfit, just wear the prim as well and voila, no need to use the alpha hud! If your clothing creator is not using this script for their clothes, you can create it yourself for your favorite outfits and never have to mess with the alpha hud again. This makes it easier for us to change clothing without having to mess with the alpha hud at all. When the mesh clothing item gets attached, it will automatically hide the sections that were programmed in the script to hide. Maitreya AutoHide BodyFaces allows creators to place a script in their mesh clothing, that hides the parts of the body that need to be hidden for that item.